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Search results

  1. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth's mouth curved into a smile, that became a grin, and at last a sniggering guffaw. "Buddy, I cannot buy enough rashers to sate those little fuckers," he said, through his laughter. "Can't really blame 'em, Orrean pokémon food being what it is. Does your espy annoy the shit outta your umbry...
  2. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth grunted, and didn't reply at first. Just kept walking. Then, when Wes may have been about to say something to break the silence, he let out a pained, sharp sigh. No Shadows, but clearly a lot of mental and emotional strain. "Kinda. Don't want to, though. So maybe don't ask about it." Wes...
  3. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth nodded. Shrugged. Spat in the shrubs to one side of them. "Something about the rock having Celebi's power in it. The power to bring back memories of happy times, or whatever sappy shit it was. Whatever it was, Cipher seemed to think it could 'open the hearts' of Shadows. They had a bunch...
  4. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth only sniffed and shrugged to Wes' banter, but his eye stopped twitching, at least. "Alright, truce on the nicknames," he muttered. "Wes." He considered Wes' question, not answering at first. They were making progress towards town, and he began sniffing the air for strangers. Longer limbs...
  5. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth nodded, slowly. His mouth was quivering as if moments from breaking into a snarl, or a sob, but he held it together. At least for the moment. "Looks like you're a more well-adjusted sonofabitch than me," he growled, with the timbre of a bad joke. "And yeah. I'll be there when your big...
  6. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    "All of it?" asked Seth, half-laughing, like it was an absurd request. "How about you settle for twenty percent?" He kicked a stray stone, hard, and sent it skipping across the dirt path. Then another. Like he was just some... teenage boy, and not a thief, a killer, and a fugitive. "I don't...
  7. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth snorted bitterly, and swallowed with what looked like difficulty. Something had dried out his mouth. "Cipher's big trump card is their Shadow pokémon. Obviously they'd want to get rid of anything or anyone that could mess with their Shadow plans. For instance, a Celebi relic said to grant...
  8. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth's muzzle scrunched up again, and he let out a rattling growl. "I don't talk about that shit," he muttered. Then, sighing, "but fuck, man. You're me, ain'tcha? Just a little divergent, and a bit behind... Am I really such a prick that I'll withhold advice to myself? Damn..." He shook his...
  9. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth's hackles flattened at the praise, even if he snorted and blew off the compliment with a roll of his eyes. Maybe he just got lucky, had a good distraction at the time, or it was more of a mugging than a stealthy theft. The wolf had rolled up the tent and fixed it to a backpack, which he'd...
  10. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    The wolf froze for a moment, hackles pricking, then he shrugged and kept packing. "...Stole most of it. Heh." Seth chuckled, and gave Wes a peculiar glance, looking like he was still halfway in fight-or-flight, or as if he was daring the other Lycanroc to raise an objection. "Don't tell me...
  11. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    "I don't," replied Seth, gruffly. "But I'm not leaving my tent behind if there's a chance I'm going right back to camping out, plus I've got some dungeon gear stashed away, and that shit ain't cheap." It wasn't a long walk to Seth's camp, and he didn't take long to pack it, despite refusing to...
  12. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth's muzzle contorted for a minute, and then he held up a paw. "...Fuck it, I'll at least take a damn look. But hang on. Gotta get my stuff first." He didn't invite Wes with him, but neither did he tell him to stay behind.
  13. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    "A temple...?" Seth's lip drew back as if he'd smelled something foul. "...I dunno. They make you say your prayers before you get your free supper? Gotta be a good boy and sweep the floors and not say any naughty words while you're in a holy place?" He put a paw to the side of his face and...
  14. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

    Seth chuckled darkly to himself at Wes' confidence. Could Wes beat him in a fight? All on his own? Maybe, maybe not. "You don't say? Safe, cosy, more or less to myself, and free food. Sounds like an absolute steal. So what's the catch? Is this some kinda handout? 'Cause it's not like I can't...
  15. Jackie Cat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside
    Threadmarks: [Ch04] ~ There Are Two Wolves

    Seth had said he'd hang around the area near the Silver Ravine rift shallows. Just enough that if the Wayfarers wanted to meet with him, he'd find them and be there. The human-turned-Lycanroc clearly had enough confidence in his recon abilities... In the end it was Wes who found Seth first...
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