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Search results

  1. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    ((Angelo* And three things. 1). It's a side quest to help him regain his memory D: 2). Sorry i didn't ask you about it first DD: 3). If you want to get in to the cave just put the moon stone that is on the ground into the indent in the wall. However i would suggest that you don't do this as it...
  2. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    When angelo got to the end of the passage he lit a match and looked over the walls "Lets see... if i press this..." There was suddenly a rumbling and the cave door shut "Oh no... I will have to find another way out..." He said as he started walking in a down another passage
  3. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    ((<_< Give me a break. I'm doing 5 things at once. Plus. If i say there was a rustling sound it implies that it didn't come from him.))
  4. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "I will be back in about an hour. Can someone please tell shana that?" He said before dissapearing into the forest. ~~~~~~~~Five minutes later~~~~~~~~~ *Rustle rustle* "Here it is... now if i take it and put it there... then that will... and then... THERE!" He said as a piece of stone slid down...
  5. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Angelo took it back and put it back into his jacket. "No problem" He said getting up and walking away towards the forest.
  6. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "Hold on..." Angelo shifted to human form and began digging through his jacket pockets looking for a comb. About two minutes later he found one and gave it to sapphire to use "There... not the best comb in the world but it will work"
  7. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "Why don't you just turn to human form then? Less hair to clean so you can go to sleep faster"
  8. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Angelo hovered next to sapphire. "...Aren't you tired...? after that journey you must at least be a bit weary..."
  9. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "Yes lady shana" Angelo said as he carefully got onto her back with some of the backpacks, Handing the other two to mysti "Tell me if i become too heavy lady shana, I will get off if i do"
  10. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Angelo began to turn back to human "I shall go as a human... My shedinja form is too slow" He said as he finished his transformation to human, Then looking around he said "Where did astra go...?"
  11. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    ((FINALLY!) Angelo sent clones to spirit away the little pokemon that were in the way, then got out of the way himself "CLEAR!"
  12. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    The clone nods at her "Yes lady shana" Then the clones start manipulating the will o' the wisps to make a ring around the mightyena that leaves it with only the choice to go back. Then angelo sends two clones to keep the will o' the wisps alive and send the mightyena away. "Now we must tend to...
  13. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Midnights clones then fired a series of shadow balls at the mightyena, And as they hit the fire they turned into will o' the wisps that covered the mightyena and burned it "What shall we do now?" Says the clone closet to shana
  14. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    ((EVERYONE! PAY ATTENTION! Shana couldn't hear the clone because it got killed by the second mightyena. and anthoni couldn't get past the second mightyena to get to us without fighting it. Thoughly read my posts please! And sorry for my little outburst moon.))
  15. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Midnight sends out two more clones that inhabit a boulder next to the path then conceals himself in a tree (I hope the clone gets to shana quickly...) ~~~~~~~~~~ Another mightyena Comes out of the shadows and attacks the clone killing it. Then it heads towards camp heads ~~~~~~~~~~ (Just a...
  16. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "You see something astra?" Midnight said while looking at him, Then hearing a twig snap becomes quiet "Astra you circle to the right i will go to the left." Midnight uses double team and has two of his clones hide inside the trees while a third goes back to camp to tell shana. "What kind of...
  17. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    Midnight stopped and turned around "You should go ahead, It is dangerous for you to be behind me" Midnight floated to the side and waited for astra to pass him ((We can't afford to lose someone this early on. and you may be asking why we would lose him... It's because the hole in shedinja's...
  18. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    "Yes lady shana" Midnight said as he put the shedinja's halo on his wrist while turning to astra, (Astra unsettles me quite a bit... But he will be useful while scouting) Midnight began to transform, Feeling his body compress and hollow out and his arms and legs turning into wings. Then the halo...
  19. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    ((Oh... i thought that anthoni was "Luxray boy"))
  20. Jester

    Open Sinnoh Folk Story 2 (Take two)

    ((actually i was asking luxray boy)) "I'm sorry if i make you uncomfterable but the least you can do is look at me" He said to arlyett "And your name isn't familier so maybe i don't..." he said as he turned back to shana "So may i scout ahead lady shana?"
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