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Search results

  1. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Chronos's abode, And when he discoveres it he becomes extremly angry and takes the psyduck and
  2. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Master ball. After catching it he diceded to give it to darksong who...
  3. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Chronos came to find the cause. He discovered a psyduck in a time mechine was causing it. Thus he
  4. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    The weird cannon from exo's sig, And then fire it at...
  5. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Find rose, But you find daleks doing... Btw who teh hell tagged this wiht "Mouse pads"?
  6. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    She ate the mermaid. And then decided to...
  7. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    He did the macarena hoping it would restore his reputation. But innstead of restoring it it...
  8. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Dance with skitvee, But then he...
  9. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Kratos aurion to go mad and murder her. Which caused butterfree to...
  10. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Arceus got mad at and and set everything back to the present. And then...
  11. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Drowned in a wave of awesomeness! But sadly arylett...
  12. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    BUTTERFREE OF DEATH! Which used...
  13. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    The seribii noobs called out their garchomps and....
  14. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Arylett. Who died un-revivably on impact. And then exo-raikou
  15. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    The giant figure of arylett. Then amaye says...
  16. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    I made your baby... To which murkow says...
  17. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    It was actually injecting a fatal poisen that had no cure
  18. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Revived a temple knight. Which then...
  19. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Dragonclaw's dignty. Causing him to cry uncontrolably and...
  20. Jester

    Tales of Tcod

    Surskitty. Who then procedded to ban all super-heros from the forum. And then S/he gave a pickle to...
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