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Search results

  1. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! And Gallery! No, It's not terrible to use the circle tool, it's just that it looks rough and blocky when unedited. For most purposes it's fine, but when it comes to spriting, when everything needs to look smooth etc., you aught to edit it. Also, how in the hell can...
  2. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! And Gallery! Oh dear... You used the circle tool in paint, didn't you? Trust me, that's a bad idea. It makes the outline look rough and uneven. Next time, why not try using it as a base, and then editing it so that it looks smoother?
  3. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! And Gallery! You do realise that you requested when requests were closed, meaning that your request never counted, right?
  4. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! I'd like to request a lineless Mew/Celebi/Jirachi splice from Mewtwo, when requests are open.
  5. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Yeah, but I think you should say which Machamp you want revamped. Otherwise Mewtwo wont know what she's doing.
  6. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! ...He wants you to give Pikachu a black iPod.
  7. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Splice Pidgey with Groudon, Texifier.
  8. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! This isn't your adoptable shop. Go there and ask.
  9. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Since nobody else is going to, I might as well... As far as first scratches go, It's not bad. The colors are from D/P Raichu, an I correct? The outlines are shaky, and the arms look like they are attatched to the front of it's body. Also, The ears aren't Raichu's...
  10. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Er ist Deutsch fur "Thank You" It is German for thank you.
  11. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! Can I have a slowpoke Chao? Preferably 6, please.
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