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Search results

  1. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Get with the program, Pinestar.
  2. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    It still needs fixing. And that reason dosn't mean that you don't have to listen to me. Oh, and I looked at your sprite thread at Serebii forums, and you haven't even posted it there, let a lone got hits on it. Don't try to lie to me. Doesn't mean you don't have to listen to me. Doesn't mean...
  3. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    That isn't what I mean. What we mean is that the stripe from the end of the tail hits the left ear, rather than the head. Instead, you've erased the line on the back, making the tail look as if it grows from the left leg. Fix it properly.
  4. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    In that case, you should have plenty of time to do this. And fix the Sandrisu.
  5. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Proof that you can't fix it.
  6. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Well then, fix the Sandshrew/Pachirisu. It'll be your first request. Although you really should do one thing and stick to it, rather than changing it constantly.
  7. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Right, now that you have done an adoptable, you can fix the splice. Unless you can't do it.
  8. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    What I meant was what forum style do you use?
  9. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    After your first adoptable then, I guess. Out of interest, which style do you use?
  10. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    You just don't want to admit that you can't, that's all.
  11. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    It doesn't matter. Fix it.
  12. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    And? You can still fix it, you know. There isn't a law against it.
  13. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop-RENOVATION Ignoring posts again?
  14. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop-RENOVATION Again, nothing more than recolors. And you still haven't fixed the splice.
  15. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop-UNMDER RENOVATION rubbish, with a lack of creativity, like his last, I should imagine.
  16. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop-UNMDER RENOVATION Fix the tail on the sandshrew/pachirisu before you do.
  17. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

  18. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop Not good enough. Fix it.
  19. Kai Lucifer

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop Fix the tail stripe, make it go towards the head.
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