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Search results

  1. Kali the Flygon

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "Wait... a talking Pikachu... Spirits of Pokemon? And... what was that thing?" Hikari looked thoroughly confused by all this, having missed the introduction.
  2. Kali the Flygon

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Hikari saw a small group of other teens out in the schoolyard, as well as a strange yellow rodent. She at first acted shy and kept her distance, but finally her curiosity took over. She approached them, asking, "Hello... what's going on here?"
  3. Kali the Flygon

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Hikari, meanwhile, had been sitting by herself, eating lunch alone. She looked up at the other, as it seemed like something was going on... Some people were standing by the windows, and others were eager to run outside. "What's happening out there?" She wondered out loud, though it wasn't like...
  4. Kali the Flygon

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Okay, thanks, and finished with my sign up now.
  5. Kali the Flygon

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Edited in my form. I just have one question: Is Ikazuchi an actual Pikachu when traveling on earth? I guess that would be a little conspicuous... but it would also make it easier to know when you find him/her.
  6. Kali the Flygon

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Character's name: Hikari Iyami Character's age: 15 Appearance: She's an average height and a thin build, about 5'2" tall, with relatively long, dark hair, reaching down just past her shoulder blades. She wears big, oversized glasses over her brown eyes. Personality: Hikari is a major bookworm...
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