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Search results

  1. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    I think Niwa gets 2 exp, not 1. Anyway, gg! Up until the point where you ABANDONED IT but w/e free exp :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddddddddddd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GOOD JOB VITA YOU ARE THE BEST SPIKY THING <333333333333 GOOD JOB CONCRETE, YOU KICKED SOME ASS. PHAULT...
  2. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Weird, thought I posted here? Energy Ball x3
  3. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    You're no fun, Squorn :-(
  4. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    hrm, I came up with commands a while ago but let's see... Our opponent can't learn any Fire moves, thankfully, nor Fighting-moves. Energy Ball. If you can't hit him for any reason (except for Substitute, of course), make a small sub of your own. Energy Ball/Substitute (10%) x3
  5. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    I'll send out my beloved Ferroseed; I'm a bit too lazy to come up with commands right now but I will think of something.
  6. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    I'm surprised to learn this myself, but did you know Dwebble can learn Solarbeam? If you're still alive after that, use Toxic. Solarbeam ~ Toxic ~ choke yourself to death
  7. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Well, now that we know Megahorn, I suppose we have no choice but to use it, eh? Swords Dance if it protects. Megahorn/Swords Dance x3
  8. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Hm, Gyro Ball will certainly do a lot of damage! 28% damage, 10% energy, if I'm not mistaken. I guess it's a good thing you learn Counter. Afterwords, get smarter. Counter ~ read book ~ read book
  9. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Does earthquake count as "causing total destruction"?
  10. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    ...hrm. Okay, here's the deal-- Bulldoze on the first action. If it's still earthbound when it's your turn to attack, Bulldoze that mofo (on every action). If it isn't, X-Scissor. Bulldoze ~ Bulldoze/X-Scissor ~ Bulldoze/X-Scissor
  11. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    uhhhhhhhh really, squorn (wait for the combo to finish then) Smack Down ~ Bulldoze ~ Bulldoze
  12. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

  13. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Oh well, I'm screwed either way.
  14. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    o shit Wait, so would it wait for the opponent to do something then attack?
  15. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    ...what makes you think that? you command tang to use hypnosis --> concrete uses smackdown
  16. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Okay, this isn't that hard. Stat-boost and stat-lower. If he tries to attack, use Struggle Bug... UNLESS the move is Gyro Ball (or Hypnosis/Confuse Ray), in which case Smackdown. Once he's hit the ground, Bulldoze all the way. Struggle Bug/Smackdown/Bulldoze x3
  17. Karkat Vantas

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Karkat Vantas

    Sending out Concrete, commands will be edited in when I get a chance to think about it.
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