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Search results

  1. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Ooh, I like it.
  2. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    ...but nobody ever clicks links! D: Any more requests? I've got some requests from Mike (who hasn't posted here, buuut), the fake that Starly wanted, and nothing else. I need requests or my head will explode.
  3. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    For Mr. OKUTANK.
  4. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    The sizing got screwed up, but whatever. There you go.
  5. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    For Blastoise. Pretty cool, if I must say so.
  6. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Pat got a bear! Yaaay!
  7. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    greatest. name. ever. I'm on it. Pat, I've scanned your thing. I'll upload it in a minute...
  8. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Yes, they're in color. If you need a shiny form, I'm not making one. Sorry, but I have enough to do as it is.
  9. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Speaking of ASB, is anybody willing to buy a team portrait? I need monies.
  10. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    A lightningrod Pokemon? Okay...?
  11. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    I'd probably be able to, although it would take forever.
  12. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Pat: Coming right up. Should be fun.
  13. Karkat Vantas

    Requests Open Kam makes fakemons!

    Alright, here's my awesome fakemon shop. Here's what you do. You give me a fakemon to draw. I draw it. No, seriously. That's what you do. I don't care how descriptive the description is. Picture reference is not necessary and I'd rather work wthout one. (If you could give me a link to the...
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