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Search results

  1. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! I laughed so hard XD YASAA
  2. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    I Love You So Much More Me too :D It's awesome <3 MRITGOB ;)
  3. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    My Boy Friend Is Better Than Your Boy Friend Heeey that means you knew what my acronym was! XD Gosh we ARE telepathic XD IJLYSGDM
  4. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Don't Forget To Be Awesome Psh, like I wouldn't get THAT one, come on XD MGIBTYG By the way, the first few results are: -29 Signs You Were Raised By Hippies - BuzzFeed -24 Signs You're A West Coast Hippie - BuzzFeed -Hippie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -How to Be a Hippie: 11 Steps...
  5. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Wow you got it! XD I'm glad :) I love you too, Reeni <3 Thank You, But Not As Attractive As My Jakey Not even! You are the most beautiful girl ever, Reeni-Pie! Don't you ever forget it! NFTILYMOA
  6. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    So there was no acronym...so.. RITPGE
  7. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Jakey, Thank You For Everything Aww <3 NNTTMRP
  8. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Some Regerenate, All Try Regeneration Noises....Xylophone RPPITT
  9. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    All Vegans Snack Bananas, Don't Get? NOIMBTMR
  10. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Gory Thriving Ants ILN
  11. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    I Don't Ever Know Why I Just Punch Out Guys. Please Help Me Deal With Punching & Karate. My Name Means Carrying All Rapid Rapidash, Ready, Go! Just a suggestion, should probably stay away from making such massively long acronyms, it's a bit discouraging. RHSSTISA
  12. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Jakey, I Love You So Much, Even If Alex Tall I don't know XD ISEDTAMR
  13. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    OHMYGOSH YOU GOT IT :O Kidding, of course XD Obviously I Have No Idea Really? XD You're going to make an acronym out of what you JUST said? XD HU Bet you can't guess it >:D
  14. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Oh! Gosh I'm so dumb, how did I not get that?! XD Bad telepathy, you broke! XD It was Reeni Made a Really Long Post In The Acronym Game XD I Love...Doodling At My Jakey? Am I off my game tonight, or something? XD JSTHSIT
  15. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    I was surprised you go-OH GOD I'LL BE HERE ALL NIGHT D: I Totally Only Think It Thinks We Idolize Trees, I Love You But It Thinks That I Try Your Love More Times You HAVE to tell me what that was suppsoed to mean XD RMARLPITAG
  16. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Weird, I can't remember.. XD Jakey, I Loathe You How mean! D: Just kidding, I know it was love ;) RILYMTTOLTM
  17. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Fairies Vehemently Hate Neon Dragons Reading Daily News, So Very Little MRWNST
  18. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    Thank You Jakey, You Are The Best Ithink you did too, but you got it mostly right anyway XD NMRIDTB
  19. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    I Am So Upset With My Mom I'm sorry Reeni-Pie :( JWTHHRFB
  20. Karousever

    Acronym Game

    All Forget Super Novas Really Bore Fiery Goblins Justly, However Every Fire Runs Everywhere IHMRRTTO
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