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Search results

  1. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets I'm so sorry everyone for not getting in touch sooner, I can't continue this. I know I should have said much sooner. However I have recently come to a crossroad in my life where I had to make a very difficult choice (and thus I forgot about my internet social life for a...
  2. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets I've been sick so I haven't done anything since, sorry. I'll get back to it soon.
  3. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets Hi, sorry I haven't done any in a while, just thought I'd pop on while I had the chance and do one before I head out.
  4. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets Okay, the to do list is updated. I have also finished the first item on the list, Nemo. Tried some experimental changes. Better or worse than before? let me know because I can change it back if you like.
  5. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets I have updated the to-do list. I've been out all day and I'm going to bed now, but I'll have plenty of time tomorrow to clear some of the to-do list and get some requests finished. By the way, Zackrinian, you have given 5 attributes (1. ice horns, 2. biped, 3. look...
  6. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets Sure, that's fine to just list them. I've put it on the the to-do list.
  7. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets Here you go: Sure I'll give that a try, thanks. Still choosing a good font, there's many choices! :D Here is your creature evolved: Here you go:
  8. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets Here you go: Yes, you may request its evolution any time you like. If you think it would bring improvements I appreciate your offer to help thank you. :) I'm not sure how to do fonts and I agree, the info boxes are a bit dull. I am using web colours too, just to...
  9. K

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    This is a little idea that came to mind and I'd like to try out. Here you can request a sprite pet. They are little creatures that can be of an element. They have attacks and HP, which are really only for show but I guess if you wanted to battle them you could. For the most part, it's just a...
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