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Search results

  1. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *says Nintendo is cool* *yawns* *is sad for a reason I forgot* *is even sadder*
  2. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *congratulates Scootaloo* *steals Rotom* *laughs evilly*
  3. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *D:s* *says that I don't have much to do*
  4. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *is bored* *is sad* *yawns long 'n' loud*
  5. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *takes hat off*
  6. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *yawns* *is bored* *checks the time* *"oh no"s*
  7. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *yawns and plays LeafGreen instead* *...what* *listens to LugiaDialga* *fwees because this is my 1000th post*
  8. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *sighs* *is sad* *hates Effect Spore* *starts playing violent video game as a way of release*
  9. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *?* *says yes you can stop* *sighs*
  10. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *says Bless You* *yawns* *starts ranting about fake fires* *finishes rant on fake fires* *sighs*
  11. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *curses self for not doing homework* *starts doing homework* *gets bored* *starts reading book*
  12. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *lifts eyebrow* *begins to move* *clicks deviantart link* *sighs* [I shouldn't be staying up this late on a Monday night during the school year :P]
  13. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *laughs at mysticmoon's attempt* *tries to raise eyebrow* *fails*
  14. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *smells old dirty eraser that was supposed to smell like watermelons but now smells like rotten watermelons* *is instantly awake* *checks time* *gasps* *rushes to bed*
  15. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *revives horribly dead thread* *says PE sucks for me too* *says school has not had any fake fires recently* *swears at Mac*
  16. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *Rain Dance team is team that depends entirely on Rain Dance/Drizzle because all the Pokemon have Swift Swim/some other rain-boosted ability.* *yawns* *fweeeees about school*
  17. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *critiques Rain Dance team* *yawns* *goes away to brush teeth* *realises something important* *fixes Rain Dance team*
  18. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *wants to look at a BW2 Nuzlocke* *finds one on the Nuzlocke forums* *continues to happily read the Nuzlocke*
  19. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *?* *yawns* *sweats* *checks time*
  20. Keldeo

    The silence game

    *Rushes to Laughing Cupboard to make a thread!* *...or not.* *Says sorry* *:Ds* *Happy Birthday!*
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