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Search results

  1. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite So you're scrapping Rose? okay Well, if this were before Gen V, I would have recommended a nice psychotic team leader who wants to free Pokemon but that's literally the description of N. Maybe a nature lover person thing who wants to abolish the unenvironmental...
  2. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite I can help a little with sprites and character development, but I fail at pretty much everything else.
  3. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite Well, mohac already said that you're meant to lose against Rose, but if you were bored enough to read through the sixtysome posts before yours you might get a better sense of what the deal with Rose is instead of me explaining it to you.
  4. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite Wait. So is it either-or, or is it not-either-or?
  5. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite OH. Based on the phrasing, I thought it was pebblething -> Icetone -> Volcanotse, not pebblething -> Icetone OR pebblething -> Volcanotse. sorry!
  6. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite No, I mean logic. Like, a fish doesn't evolve into a bear. (well I guess they're all rocks but.) Icetone -> Volcanotse w/ Fire Stone or Sun Stone, maybe? The (canon) level-up-in-generic-location evos all seemed silly to me.
  7. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite Naw, Magikarp's better. I mean, it actually has good Speed and access to Bounce. how do pebble evolve into ice evolve into fire man thing with gem
  8. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite Oh. Um, okay? I'm guessing it's Fire/Rock or Fire/Ground or Fire/Steel or something like that. Is the red thing on its belly an eye or a belly or what? and also visible veins of fire energy is also very great check out pokemon ultraton its great
  9. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite oh wait yes If she starts with a level 89 and never levels it up, aren't you going to lose all the battles (unless you catch like a level 5000 furtrocious or whatever) until the last one?
  10. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite Wait. How did I miss "level eighty nine" Unless the battle with Rose is a battle you're supposed to lose (vs Cobalion in Rumble Blast) or plot important, why the heck does she have a level 89? Versus a level 5? Even with grinding pre-battle, it's hard enough to...
  11. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite ...Rose? I have a friend named Rose. Anyway, the whole brainwashed pokeymans theme is kinda cool. Mohacadon: I can see where the name comes from. >:| Sorry, but I don't know any DeSmuMe editor.
  12. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite ...Oh. Wow. I'm guessing it's for the DeSmuMe/DS, not VBA right? Frontier sounds cool. Scratches are often better than hacks imo. I have several half-baked ideas for Pokemon in a notebook somewhere... I can help with that Pokedex.
  13. Keldeo

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite Er, I'd like to know more about this game before/if I join. Concept art? New Pokemon or old ones? Gym leaders/Champion? Is it a hack or a scratch? How far are you? Screenshots?
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