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Search results

  1. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    ((Haha, sorry, I forgot about this temporarily. xD;;)) "Grats," she yelled at Grin, nodding at the impressive Rhydon. The Pokemon Center would be wrecked in no time, no doubt. "Seriously though, knock it off- we're here to pilfer, not totally destroy this place," she scolded her team. Alice...
  2. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    "Huh?" asked Alice in surprise. She glanced back at the computer screen, which was now displaying a roster of stored Pokemon. "You might want to remove your Pokemon from storage. Rocket storage isn't very dependable; I've heard that older members like pulling pranks such as stealing Grunts'...
  3. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    "Holy crap who knows what wore those last!" yelled Alice, as she retreated from the floating underwear. She gave a suspicious look at the Gastly, but she did not make further comment. "Not much will go wrong if you don a normal Grunt outfit," said Alice testily at Erindor. She liked the guy for...
  4. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Alice laughed. She decided to trust Erindor's word for now. "You're the lucky one of the bunch then," she reassured him with a nod. She turned towards the desk and pulled out a drawer. Fishing around in it for a few seconds, she pulled out a floppy disk drive. The blue plastic case was...
  5. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Alice paused thoughtfully at Jackson's question. This guy seemed particularly thoughtful out of the group; she would let him don the admin outfit for the time being. She herself felt some sympathy for the Rocket doctrine, who wouldn't want to earn lots of money to eventually live in comfort and...
  6. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Alice groaned inwardly. They would never hear the end of it if an unconscious admin was found locked in one of the closets. However, the admin change of clothes may prove to their advantage. Thoughtfully, she pulled out one of the devices plugged into the computer of the group's main meeting...
  7. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    "Look, I know its distasteful to most of you with good intentions," muttered Alice to her teammates. A few of the other squadrons, especially some of the leaders, were shooting them strange looks. "We're going back to the dorms now- to get our gear and stuff. Find your USB drives, flash drives-...
  8. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Alice stared at the boy impatiently. Didn't he know the obvious? "Team Rocket wants money and power. Goldenrod, besides being a huge city, is a magnet for Johtoan breeders as well as trainers. These people all use the Pokemon storage system Bill designed and Lanette innovated upon," she replied...
  9. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    ((Alright, in this version of the Pokemon world, evolution for Pokemon who 'evolve by trade' works by either intensive training under the same owner or training under a different owner- I hope I made this clear.)) "Although a few people may be missing..." began Alice tentatively, "There's still...
  10. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    "Looks like there'll be no need," Alice remarked to Violet. To her relief, two other figure whom she dimly recognized as part of the resistance movement had arrived at the table. Alice raised one eyebrow at the strange-looking figure of the young teenager, dressed in one of the high Admin's...
  11. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight ((Alright... you guys (Grinning Calamity and Blaziking 175) can continue how you like, but its confusing if you don't meet up with the main group soon. Grinning, if you want to revise your actions, just say so in your next post and write it as if your original post...
  12. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight ((Uh, grinning... wth? Alright, take your time in making your way to the base if you really want to... but you won't get to interact with the rest of us very smoothly. o__O;; By the way, you spelled Rhyhorn wrong.))
  13. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight ((Gardevoir and Exo-Raikou, I'm afraid you did not read my first post carefully enough. Please follow my instructions in the first post and edit your posts if you wish to join this. For now, you are not accepted.)) Alice nodded in acknowledgment to Violet, something of...
  14. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight More people read the instructions than I would have thought; good job to all of you. Eevee, Blaziking, Miyari, and Grinning Calamity, you're all in. I'll be beginning the roleplay now, but anyone who wants to join is welcome to...
  15. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight Alright, everything seems good, and you're in. I'm still waiting for more sign-ups.
  16. Keta

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Everyone knows that the biggest crime ring in the Pokemon world is Team Rocket. Their goal seems to be extremely simple, to obtain money and infamy by whatever means possible, usually by Pokemon. The notorious group seems to be almost ubiquitous now, having infiltrated every organization...
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