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Search results

  1. L

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    When I saw the sugimori art for tated and Liza, I was sure I was wrong and tate was a girl, depsite what I thought(that he's a male, and I was right!). And Tucker is quite creepy- I was sure for over 3 years that he was a woman, but only now realized he is simply some- super gay guy. Seriously.
  2. L

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    YOU MEAN BUGSY FROM THE GSC SECOND GYM?!?! I was sure its a female! I believed, until 2006, that fire has a hidden super-effectiveness against poison.
  3. L

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    I thought nosepass was genderless till I fought the first gym in pokemno R/S/E. Plus, I thought that mirage island is a nintendo event, till yesterday. And I didnt realize that Golbat evolves trough happines and not trough trading- I thought that way for quite a while, until I looked on the GPX...
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