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  1. Latiass


    I agree with this, but I have to mention my frustration with how people treat laws like this. I really get tired of people mentioning "if drugs were legal you would/should totally do them xdddd" about as much as I get sick of people mentioning "drugs are against the law you shouldn't do them...
  2. Latiass


    Er, no? "Guys don't post so we can beat them" is contradictory to itself.
  3. Latiass


    Normally, I don't like being a dick or showing signs of weakness during discussions - however, this was hilarious. Because it's also true. I know quite a few Mormon's, and it really is true.
  4. Latiass


    What? I asked you valid questions, and I wasn't being a dick, either. But, you know, if you think so, then I have no intention of continuing this discussion with you.
  5. Latiass


    Generally, though, a priest is used in a wedding. In those cases, the Church has every right to deny it based on their religion, really. EDIT: Wait, sorry, I misread what you said. I guess I am just agreeing with you, then. This is the equivalent of me linking to a gay website speaking of the...
  6. Latiass


    Yes, this is a valid point; however, when the majority of a populous finds what you say to be disagreeable for the same reasons, you don't really need to respond to all of them individually. He could write a general response answering the specific questions we are restating, and we could...
  7. Latiass


    The natural instincts of a species do not care about civility. This is not hard to understand, or even notice. There are plenty of animals that need to eat their own feces for nutrients, and by human standards this is 'uncivilized.' A) this is stupid B) you will be back to reply more C)...
  8. Latiass


    I don't follow you. What does this add?
  9. Latiass


    What? How about dominance? There are other reasons, but you asked for one, and I need not go further.
  10. Latiass


    It's an act created by people and is not witnessed elsewhere in nature, and we have no primal instinct to do it. It's unnatural. Homosexuality is witnessed elsewhere in other species, and also we have a primal instinct to mate. With everything.
  11. Latiass


    Why is it unnatural?
  12. Latiass


    Yes: This has strong implications that it is unlawful to do these things.
  13. Latiass


    If you didn't care, the conversation wouldn't be happening. Don't hide when trying to defend and opinion.
  14. Latiass


    Actually there is nothing wrong with necrophilia as long as you aren't the one making the dead body. Where I am going with that is in that case, it doesn't adversely affect anyone. Neither does being homosexual. Paedophilia does.
  15. Latiass


    This is also stupid. We're "getting somewhere" because you think we're agreeing with you? The only possibly way we could progress is bowing to your views? Oh. Well, sorry, I guess we're stuck. People probably aren't born gay, though. They are born with hormonal imbalances that cause gender...
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