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Search results

  1. Lili

    Closed Dreams of the Past

    Sadrapel nodded at the Luxray. 'It is an honor to meet you as well. I have heard many things about you... Sleepers. I have heard that you will change the world for the better. I have also heard that you may rip it apart at its seams. Either way, I will stand by all of you if it means I good...
  2. Lili

    Closed Dreams of the Past

    Purrloin? She was no Purrloin. She was a proud, strong Liepard. Maybe the Pokemon wasn't a Luxray at all, if she could not see through walls. Although maybe she was referring to Chora, even though little Chora did not say anything. Then the door collapsed. Sadrapel hissed, drawing her...
  3. Lili

    Closed Dreams of the Past

    "Are you scared?" Sadrapel hissed at the feminine voice, scrambling back to her hatchling. She picked Chora put in her mouth as the Purrloin let out a pathetic meow, and turned back around to the voice. She was on edge, purple fur up, beady green eyes narrowed. She looked all around, trying...
  4. Lili

    Closed Dreams of the Past

    Sadrapel cocked her head to the side as she saw the Sneasel twitch her ear. She herself paused for a second, and the Purrloin next to her mimicked her. Not that she liked to speak out anyway. There was some scratching metallic noise. She perked up a bit. She had only arrived to Mount Silver...
  5. Lili

    Closed Dreams of the Past

    It was all in vain, like she had thought before. Sadrapel stepped out from behind the pillar, Chora still in her mouth. She set the Purrloin down, and straightened herself up, trying to look as powerful and serious as possible. "My name is Sadrapel," she said, her accent thick and deep...
  6. Lili

    Closed Dreams of the Past

    The two male Liepards walked around each other, pacing back and forth. Their upper lips were curled in a snarl. Meanwhile, a female Liepard and her two Purrloins watched from a distance. Sadrapel looked up to her mother, Kleolep. The female Liepard had a calm look on her purple face, and she...
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