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Search results

  1. Lili

    Open Mid Evolutionz!~

    The Tyrogue/Hitmontop blinked. "Are you.. is the 'Raipika'.. are you guys mutants also?" She said.
  2. Lili

    Open Mid Evolutionz!~

    Scuffle thought the word over in her head for a few seconds. Friend. She wondered if she needed one of those. "Raipika?" She asked, confused.
  3. Lili

    Open Mid Evolutionz!~

    Scuffle raised an eyebrow at the strange Haunter, it seemed to have a Gastly's gas coming from it. Was it a 'mutant', as she called herself, also? "F-Friend?" She echoed. The fight going on now distracted her from answering his question.
  4. Lili

    Open Mid Evolutionz!~

    Scuffle leaped high into the air, powered by her strong legs. She thought she heard a commotion, and followed the noise to a cave. The mid-morph seemed to be flying, high over the tree tops. She landed with a soft thud on her feet, then raced over to the cave entrance. "Hey, who's in there!"...
  5. Lili

    Open Mid Evolutionz!~

    Mid-morpher form: Name: Scuffle Pokemon(both the previous and the one it was about to evolve into): Tyrogue/Hitmonlee Appearance: Scuffle has the long legs of a Hitmonlee, and the feet of one. Her colorings are that of a Hitmonlee also, and so are her eyes. Gender: Female Bio: Scuffle was...
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