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Search results

  1. Littlestream

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    Nope! I was writing all day because I have a few days off from school at the moment. I won't have much time at all later in the month (choir trips + long school days + teachers who give out too much homework (5. Double sided. Sheets.) = no time to do ANYTHING) so I want to get as much done as...
  2. Littlestream

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    Ooh yay from what I can piece (meaning add) together Team Green already has over 7k total. Writing fast is fun. Go Team Green! Am I being weird? Writing fast makes me hyper.
  3. Littlestream

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    Same with me. Maybe we know each other because we don't know each other? ... I just realised that half the things I say make no sense. Anyway, go Team Green! :D
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