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Search results

  1. Lord Mewtwo

    Racsism in pokemon

    Ok I see, I am actually NOT religious. I believe in God but I don't go to church anymore except with my best friend to Christmas Eve service and I don't live by certain religious beliefs. I guess the basic way to express it, is that I believe in a God but I do not practice anything. I actually...
  2. Lord Mewtwo

    Racsism in pokemon

    I don't know that I would say that, they seem to have a few of their own fictional religious beliefs such as pokemon having created the universe and which ones. And what does my profile theme have to do with anything?
  3. Lord Mewtwo

    Racsism in pokemon

    I actually think I see the point you mean to make, and I realize that but it's still a pretty common belief. It's used on TV a lot when they think or know someone has special powers it's always 'They're evil!'.
  4. Lord Mewtwo

    Racsism in pokemon

    Psychic does not represent light, in fact it's believed by religion that Psychic powers and witchcraft are of the devil.
  5. Lord Mewtwo

    Racsism in pokemon

    I agree with this I do not see how these things are racism in fact I did not even understand them all probably because I do not watch the anime anymore(Haven't since the beginning of hoenn). As for the black and white flute thing black and white are often pitted against each other in a good...
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