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Search results

  1. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    I'm seeing very unpleasant mental pictures right now.
  2. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Oh hi just popping in here wondering how the Ice Cream cone went from 67% health to 35% without being touched k thanks bye.
  3. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Actually the way combos work from my experience is: Combo ~ "Recharge" or something ~ Last Action Since Blasoise's command string ignored that ruled, I pushed everything farther one action. If you're unsatisfied, feel free to complain to our Head Referee.
  4. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Pre-Round Mr. Wiggles, completely and utterly absorbed in his red-eyed RAEG, was flailing about in the shallow pond of water, impatiently waiting for orders. Blastoise couldn’t do anything, though – the referee was gone. He tried (and failed) to calm his RAEGing Magikarp while Legendary Seeker...
  5. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    Yeah it just blatantly ignored the Taunt I'm afraid - But in the end, it doesn't change anything beside I think 2% health on Zephyr, so I could just add that and say it was MAGIC
  6. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    I didn't see Mr. Wiggles was taunted until now, and the reffing is complete. If you really want me to redo it I will do, but I want to ask before because I was really inspired and don't want to rewrite again because it's gonna be lame and anyways Mr. Wiggles' Roar and Sandstorm didn't do much in...
  7. Lord of the Fireflies

    Blastoise Fortooate VS. Legendaryseeker99

    A quick question, are Pokémon considered to have the typing of their evolution? EDIT: And also is the energy cost is calculated as if they were fully-evolved?
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