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  1. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Hey, I'll be away for a few days, no internet I'm afraid. Sorry to Effercon and Zhorken, your reffing will be ready as soon as I come back! I have no excuse but being a lazyass. Moving on, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!
  2. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Feeling pretty depressed atm, so I probably won't ref today, maybe one battle, two max if you're lucky, maybe zero, but probably not the four of them. However, I'll have a lot of spare time this week due to the ultimate season being over, so they'll be done, don't worry.
  3. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Okay, I have that pile of homework growing every day, so I decided I should leave TCoD for a while to concentrate on that. People I'm reffing, it's not necessary to call for e-refs, I should be able to get it together next weekend. If not, I'll tell you.
  4. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Another day at work tomorrow, even if it wasn't supposed to happen. Reffings might be delayed, sorry.
  5. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I thought you were British ?_?
  6. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    0: maybe we're neighbors from the start and we don't even know it! EDIT: I went outside and yelled your name but I had no answer so I believe not.
  7. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Apparently Irene is going to hit hard around here so I may or may not lose my internet connection tomorrow, idk.
  8. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Unexpected plans for tonight, so no reffings, sorry. I'LL DO THEM TOMORROW THOUGH I PROMISE
  9. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be away for the weekend. MISS ME
  10. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    Back, Front and everything.
  11. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be away for a week. I'll try to post my two reffings tonight, but I can't promise anything.
  12. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be absent for the week-end, but fortunately I had the time to plug in my reffings today, so I guess it could be worse.
  13. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I will be away until Monday, so people I ref, don't expect anything from me until then. As soon as I'm back I will catch up, though.
  14. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    O: Is it because of her father's problems?
  15. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I have access to internet so nevermind my previous message.
  16. Lord of the Fireflies

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be away for about ten days because of trip. MAYBE I'll have access to internet there but i really don't know.
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