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Search results

  1. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan, feeling a pulse of confusion*The mental kind, not the attack* coming from Anseyu, trotted after her. Truth be told, befoer this process, he would have also killed him as soon as he had seen him...but now, he found himself mumbling something. "...may you find peace, and let your sins...
  2. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Err...I suggest t-that we continue our escape..." Stephan said, stuttering. Taking care to step over the blood the Lucario had left, he quickly began to move on.
  3. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan stirred, paws coming to his head as a throbbing afterpain of several emotions flashing through his mind. Groaning, he raised himself to his feet, wobbilly standing straight, and panting, looking ashy and shaken. "...That...was...horrible..." he whispered, voice shaking.
  4. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan, although he wasn't looking into the flashing eyes, was still on the verge of a mental breakdown. As the surrounding fear, panic, pain anger and hatred clouded in his mind, he gave a short spasm and simply collapsed into unconciousness, mercifully spared from any more of the anger...
  5. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan flinched as Squish's temper flared, whimpering from his place on the floor...whimpering, he curled into the fetal position...pain, anger, hatred, annoyance...
  6. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    However...when Anseyu fired on the unconcious human, Stephan stumbled, a sudden flash of pain flashing through his mind. He yelped, stumbling, white pain piercing his skull. "Ahh...what...uhh..." he groaned, fear and pain overwhelming him...he fell over, eyes rolling up into his head.
  7. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan, in the lead of the ground bound Pokemon, rounded a corner...and was face to face with a human. There was a quick, tense moment, before something built up in Stephan's ears...a loud, annoying whine crackled in the air around him, and the man momentarilly stood rigid, before clutching...
  8. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan complied, darting forward, hurling a bolt of light and a sonic boom at two cameras. He couldn't help but notice that he moved a lot faster now, as his body had become much more streamline. Another upside to this transformation...he couldn't help but happilly hum as he ran along, leaving...
  9. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Perhaps it would be best if we simply remain quiet..." Stephan whispered, before firing a bolt of lightning at a camera. It crackled and the red light on it paused from blinking. "...Well then, shall we proceed? Freedom comes no closer if we simply continue to stand around and idly twiddle our...
  10. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Well then, shall we proceed?" Apollo said, before, casually, attempting to fire a thunder bolt at a security camera...what he got, however, was a small sonic boom attack, shattering the glass of the camera. "...That's new." he said, a little bit shocked.
  11. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "I will follow and assist...although, truth be told, I really haven't suffered any negative effects from this remarkable processes of metamorphasis." Stephan said. "My name is Stephan, by the way. It is very nice to make your aquiantences."
  12. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Well, at the very least, we should attempt to get to the ocean. Perhaps we may persuade a passing aquatic to ferry us to Sinnoh, or atleast get us closer." Stephan said, walking towards teh doorway that had recently been de-lockified. Standing on his hind legs, he twisted the knob, and pulled...
  13. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "...Nothing is impossible, unless you believe it so...while we have all suffered hardships, the path to our salvation shall be revealed to us if we tirelessly search for a method to find the temple of snowpoint. Be it by sea, by air, or by teleport, we shall reach our destination." Stephan said...
  14. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Right, right...snowpoint temple, hm..." Stephan said. "Well...it would help if we actually knew where we were now." He pointed out. "But, that might become clear as we make our escape." He smiled, before humming again to the tune of the song that now appeared to flow to the beat of his very heart.
  15. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "I also have a song moving through my mind..." Stephan said, opening his mouth to sing. "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me... I once was lost, but now am found was blind, but now, I see..." he sang, before blinking. "I rather like it...although, I do believe now...
  16. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "...Should I guess that none of you have any idea of what's going on?" Stephan asked, walking over, the calming humming he produced remaining steady. He could feel the Lucario's rage slowly ebbing away, at the very least...he turned to look at the computer when the sparks flashed, catching the...
  17. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Stephan groaned as several sharp pangs of anger burst into his head, pain, and suffering...he wanted it to stop...and then he opened his eyes. All around him, Pokemon that weren't Pokemon were moving around, angry, fighting, rage boiling from each of them...he could feel it...but he didn't...
  18. Lupine Volt

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Name: Stephan Gender: Male Species: Manectric apearance: Apollo's body has become more feline due to the expirement, and his mane has fallen into a more lion like fashion. His tail has grown out a little, but his face and paws remain the same. Personality: Stephan is very...quiet and serene. He...
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