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  1. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie Chip tilted his head. "Isn't it weird how they call them 'cookies?' I live in the US, but something like 'sweet biscuits' sounds better."
  2. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie "Sounds good," said Chip, looking up. He threw a Poke Ball at the Pidgey. "Rapper friend!" he shouted, hoping it would help. "Or maybe PotPan? Pokemon of the Pan?"
  3. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie "What's that mean?" wondered Chip, teleporting back to the group and being clean. He brought the Pidgey with him. Flo continued rapping his repetitive song.
  4. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie Chip wandered around. He waited for Echo to make him meet a Pokemon. "Please!" he shouted, while Flo rapped one of his songs. "I need a chip or a cookie cause I've got Some sort of illness that makes me say this:" And it kept repeating.
  5. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie "I want a new Pokemon too!" said Chip. He momentarily stopped Caramelldansening. "Who wants to help me look for a Pokemon?" He took a random Poke Ball from his belt. A purple skunk appeared. Flo started singing "Number Ten" starting from the "hey yo." After the first two lines he...
  6. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie "It's the Caramelldansen club!" shouted Chip, standing in the middle of the Caramelldansen group. "I like this!"
  7. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie Chip was hugged. He ran around in circles to avoid the fluid, and Caramelldansed all the while.
  8. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie Chip also caramelldansed. He remembered that he was wearing a kilt and tap shoes.
  9. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie Chip sang with West. "Let's do the one about his toe!" he shouted. He started singing in the future, when West did.
  10. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie Chip prodded west. "Wake up! Let's sing the one that goes 'habitat'~"
  11. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: PotPie "I want to see the pie Pokemon!" Chip said, holding out a chicken pot pie. "This is my treat for it!" He began to sing. There was a word and then "MY SOUL ON FIRE!" He caught fire. "Aaah! Put it out!" he screamed running in circles. He sang fast and then slowed down near a part...
  12. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) Chip repeated what West had did, avoiding everything dangerous. "Can I see it?"
  13. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) "Did anyone get the Pie Pokemon?" asked Chip. He held out an Ultra Pie ball.
  14. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) "You sure seem happy," said Chip. He stepped onto land and withdrew his Omastar. "Wanna see Flo?" he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he released the Skuntank from his Poke Ball. "Hey yo," Flo started. Chip realised he was singing something from a...
  15. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) Chip looked up at the last few posts. He picked up a megaphone. "THIS IS THE LIFEGUARD," he said through it. "STOP TALKING WITH THOSE WHO ARE POSTING YOU OR NOTHING. THANK YOU." He held out the megaphone to West. "Wanna give it a try?
  16. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) Chip's eyes widened. "Really?" Immy spoke up. "Hey, did you hear that?" she demanded. "Hear what?" "I want some banana cake. With seaweed." "Take the seaweed we don't have cake," said Chip, and shoved some dry seaweed into Immy's mouth. He looked at...
  17. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) "Hi West. I like your hat." Chip smiled. "I'm Chip. Like my kilt?" He pointed to the red, green and black, plaid, skirt-like article of clothing. "I also do tap dancing!" He moved his finger to his tap shoes and picked up something from the water. It looked...
  18. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) Chip awoke again, and this time it was real. He was sitting on the back of Immy, who was whining about cake. Chip looked to his left, where a person in a huge cowboy hat was singing about motocross and Uganda. He sang a song about shrimp and then one about...
  19. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) ((Before anyone asks, I changed his name.)) Chip fell. And fell. There was nothing but sky. He was in sky, falling onto sky, and there was sky above him. Just as he landed headfirst onto a sharp rock, he woke up. "Some dream," he said, laying on the...
  20. Mad MOAI

    Open [Finished, yet I'm too lazy to close.] PotPie

    Re: Pokemon of the Pie (PotL parody) Don't rush him. He's probably delayed and can't start it now. Quit nagging and wait for him to start :?
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