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Search results

  1. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Teppo turned around and blasted a fireball at the Crawdaunt. She then used Faint Attack.
  2. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons "Is that legal?" asked Teppo. "To defeat Darkrai in one shot like that?" Shrugging, she headed home towards her magma-covered rock whose fire did not spread.
  3. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Teppo quickly spun towards the enemy and fired a fireball at a Vigoroth with a loud BOOM! "Anyone else?" she said, turning away from the burned Pokemon and glaring at the rest of the enemies.
  4. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((He talked to me, not you.)) Teppo looked at Lightheart. "Huh?"
  5. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Teppo nodded inwardly. "I'll blast him," she replied. "I'm not named 'firearm' for nothing."
  6. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Teppo nodded and followed Lucky. "I'll blast away his enemies with fireballs!" The one she was juggling dissipated, and her small, two-clawed feet banged the ground as she hurried to catch up with the Lucario.
  7. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons "I'm ready," Teppo said, Raising her arm. There was a resounding explosion-like noise in her ears that didn't bother anyone else as she fired a 3,600-degree (F) fireball at her other hand, tossing it back and forth and playing with it like a soccer ball...
  8. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons "The question is, where are we going?" A flame-decorated Pokemon stood atop a rock, pointing a cannon-like arm down at the group. She laughed, returning her hand to her side. "I just like to do that once in awhile." She stepped down from the rock and headed...
  9. Mad MOAI

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Name- Teppo Age- 19 Gender- Female Pokémon- Magmortar Attacks- Lava Plume, Faint Attack, Confuse Ray, Fire Punch Nature- Naughty
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