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  1. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    ((I forgot to do something. *Then, a black creature shaped like a D floated into the scene. "Hey! What'd I miss?"* Anyway, I think I'll join the sequel.))
  2. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Apology accepted," muttered Palkia, with still a slight hostile tone in her voice. She turned to Arceus and nodded. She turned and lumbered off, between her dimension in space. Or did she? *is this the end?*
  3. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((That reminds me of a parody we made for the fifth Naruto theme song. On the seond line, Paper (shikamaru) fell flat on his face. But I digress... That sounds good. It makes me related to Paper.)) "Dialga... er... I tripped over my friend the Unown and Dialga made fun of me...
  4. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Like I said before; a very good reason." Palkia was the one to speak, but she couldn't remember the reason right now. ((We need a reason for Palkia and Dialga to fight.))
  5. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Palkia looked up. "Arceus?" She bowed her head. "Nice to see you again. I am wondering why you are here."
  6. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star At the sound of the Azure Flute, Furyclaw could relax. She shrank back down into her Pokemorph form. "What a lovely sound. I like it!" Palkia payed no attention. I must defeat brother Dialga.
  7. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((Yay, stoop. But I know what you mean.)) Palkia looked down the mountain, hearing the word "stop." I shall not, she thought. "Make a move, brother Dialga. Or are you too cowardly?"
  8. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Giratina!" Palkia turned her head. She couldn't remember the answer that question. "For a very good reason," she growled, and her gaze flicked back to her brother.
  9. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw, who had turned human quiet awhile ago, was looking up at the scene, her inside bubbling with anger. She struggled not to become a Groudon, but the hatred of violence became too strong. Within seconds, she was a fourteen-foot monster. "What now?!" she roared. Palkia...
  10. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((Nah. If the characters in Diamond and Pearl didn't die from lack of oxygen at Spear Pillar, then there's no reason for Furyclaw to.)) "What do we do?" asked Furyclaw. When the Spacial Rend was finished, Palkia leaped back. "Brother Dialga... are you going to fight?" she...
  11. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw followed the others up the mountain. "Do we fight now?" ((Do I play Palkia now? If so:)) *Palkia was felled on the ground, in pain. Groaning, she slowly stood up and roared. "You shall not be the victor, Dialga!" She limped slightly and then used Spacial Rend, tearing...
  12. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "And I'm Furyclaw!" The Groudon morph said. She continued up the mountain in her full Groudon form.
  13. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw continues up the mountain. With the others catching up, she doesn't have to wait. I hope we'll be able to save the world, she thinks.
  14. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "No thanks," said Furyclaw. "Groudon raised the continents. It should have no trouble traversing them." She continued up the mountain and stopped on a wide ledge ten feet above the others' heads.
  15. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw continued to follow Neptune. "Ooh, are we hiking?"
  16. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw began to smell a horrible stench. She transformed into a Groudon, causing her head to bump the cave roof. "I can't smell it as well now," she said.
  17. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw nods. "Definitely. If this isn't Mount Coronet then my name is Bob." She laughs.
  18. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw followed the group into the cave. "I'd be a lot more sturdy if I were a Groudon," she said. ((How big is this cave, anyway?))
  19. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw chuckled when Flare lit herself on fire for a bit, and then turned toward Neptune. The Groudon morph trudged through the snow until she was next to the Articuno morph, and Furyclaw spied a cave ahead.
  20. Mad MOAI

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Furyclaw trudged through the shallow snow. "At this rate, it'll take forever to reach Spear Pillar!"
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