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Search results

  1. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "As long as you don't Shadow or talk down to some of us, I don't think we should have any problems..." Grace said, tapping her paws together. "Are you still hurt, Moltres? Um, physically, I mean. I don't think I can heal any mental wounds..."
  2. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Grace had been going around tending to those on the team who had been hurt, burned, or otherwise, channelling her life dew, and pulling out extra items from her satchel if they were needed. All the while, she was listening to the conversation and watching the others, but some of it gave her...
  3. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    What visions? Grace didn't remember seeing anything. Did she have to attack to see something? Oops. Hopefully they could fill her in later. But she did know something she could do. Grace sidled over to Mhynt, remembering that she'd taken a few blows. She formed a life dew in her paws, this...
  4. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "Is everyone holding up okay?" Grace asked as she shielded her eyes from the bright flames. She'd taken some minor hits so far, and had done her best to stay healthy. She had to be ready to heal everyone afterwards. Her paws glowed once more, and she aimed it at Odette once again. "Just a...
  5. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    She was Shadowing? How did she miss that? She pointed at Odette again, this time helping the mawile's strikes feel true. Now she had to channel her Radiance. This wasn't Owen. This was a Legend. A Saint. Sure, Grace was getting better at her life dew curing, but she had no idea if this would...
  6. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "Why does everything have to have a pessimistic outcome?" Grace asked, frowning. "Did you bait us out here just to try and tell us we're doing everything wrong? Why are we fighting?!" Whether she got a reply or not, Grace turned her attention to Odette next, being sure to get herself to safety...
  7. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    What was even going on? Why was she like this? What did the railway even do to her? "Why do you even want to break this?" Grace asked, sounding confused. "What did the railway or the civilians even do to deserve this treatment from you?" Her cautious eyes looked for those who needed help. She...
  8. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "...What have you even done for us?" Grace asked Moltres, shaking her head. "We've never met before. How can you claim you do all this work when all we've seen you do is threaten to hurt people? Is that what a Saint does?" Her eyes had to carefully scan the battlefield. Who needed help? Who was...
  9. Magyk

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    A moltres was going to set everything on fire?! They might have to kill her?! Grace couldn't exactly argue-- there wasn't much time to find another option, but maybe she could channel a restraining technique through Metronome? It was something she could try if there was time to do it. The...
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