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Search results

  1. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

  2. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Not precisely sure exactly what I should be explaining, but if you mean moves/claiming, I have three attacks. One is a seemingly vanilla recovery that makes me harder to KO and damages those who target me (Lloid Rocket). The second is a two-part move: one night I do nothing, and the next I...
  3. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    That's... not much of a defense, there. I've been pretty busy lately, but I've been attempting to contribute when possible, and you don't seem to be offering any assistance or improvement. (Though, to be fair, I don't think any of us seem to have information roles; if we did, this would a lot...
  4. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    RTB, do you have anything to say? Or do you have any input, either, Zero Moment? I'm voting RTB because of general quietness: plus, at this point, Zero Moment seems pretty innocent, judging by the relationship with Superbird.
  5. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Dazel is dead, but RTB is suspicious, yes.
  6. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    What? Yes, we established the anonymous contact is suspicious already... the point is, though, that we don't know who they are (hence anonymous). Unless you're saying Butterfree is suspicious because anonymous contact ??? In which case, that'd be a pretty complicated scheme to pull (but...
  7. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Are statements related, as in you targeted her and was damaged, or...? Also, does Metallica's quote make it sound like there's a Sonic in our midst? Would like to hear Butterfree's news about the anonymous contact.
  8. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I have no idea if it sounds like Dazel, but it feels like he hasn't posted in quite a while, so? Inactivity ==> suspicion, if we don't think it's Superbird. Superbird is a plausible idea, though. The speech styles do match up (but at the same time, you think I would say Butterfree is my...
  9. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Well, quoting your role PM is definitely outside the call of duty for a talking restriction. So I guess we just toss that info out, then?
  10. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    So two mafia down, and both of them have been disguised as another character? I guess we have a trend here, but not sure where it'll lead us.
  11. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Ah, sorry. The past few games I've been signing up for mafia without ... really taking into account how busy I'll be and such. There are a few main issues here: one, the mass 30% damage (probably explained with Light, but it might be Wargle); two, Phantom's repeat targeting (the first was from...
  12. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Yeah... it being repeat targeters doesn't make sense - logically, those people would probably /not/ want to target you twice, since once and they've already been thrown under the bus by your recovery action. I guess the 30% damage was either Light or Wargle? Not sure with either - Wargle is...
  13. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I don't know too much about the actual moves people have, since ... noting again, I've never played it. I'll vote Light based on the silence aspect, though. That's suspicious. Sorry for the inactivity; I've had a lot of things going on, too.
  14. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    I took 30% damage too, and I didn't use my final smash. If Wargle, Light, and Eifie targeted you, Phantom, maybe one of them used an arena attack of some sort?
  15. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

  16. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Relevantly... I highly doubt "multiple innocent factions" as a concept as well. From what I know about Smash, I don't think a cult would work in this game, either - but multiple mafia factions might be a thing (though the lack of deaths might be kind of odd, then). I'm on the blue team as...
  17. Mai

    Super Smash Mafia for TCoD - Game Thread

    Could it be a taunt or something? Why Lucina? ... I don't have the game (yet?), so I'm somewhat clueless. 0% here, too.
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