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  1. Mai

    ASB Rules

    Yes, but a few psychic pokemon are already listed as consentually hovering. At one point I recall Negrek saying that hovering was cheaper for consentually hovering pokemon than for *just* psychics.
  2. Mai

    ASB Rules

    Speaking of which, consentually hovering meditite/medicham? Medicham is more of an extension, but meditite are shown hovering pretty much all the time.
  3. Mai

    ASB Rules

    I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but going invisible doesn't take a whole action anyway.
  4. Mai

    ASB Rules

    Regardless, I believe the rule is a pokemon can use any move it gets legally. Even Dream World moves.
  5. Mai

    ASB Rules

    Nope! Don't think so.
  6. Mai

    ASB Rules

    If everyone has a chance to participate then it doesn't take a slot, so no.
  7. Mai

    ASB Rules

    How do cottonee get around? Do they just... hop around, float, or what? I don't see them listed as either inherently hovering/flying or consentually hovering/flying, but I don't think they have legs.
  8. Mai

    ASB Rules

    ... When did I forget that? Thanks!
  9. Mai

    ASB Rules

    How much, if any, energy does it take to remain incorporeal? It doesn't specify in the first post.
  10. Mai

    ASB Rules

    How high can the average psychic hover, then? High enough to dodge earthquake or other ground attacks? EDIT: Can they do so without wasting an action?
  11. Mai

    ASB Rules

    Who recieves the extra dollar if a match was split between two referees and the end amount of money is odd? (Both zeKieranator and I reffed in Pathos vs. Ampharos, and the total money for the referee is $15. You can't have half of a dollar, can you?)
  12. Mai

    ASB Rules

    If a pokemon with double team clones uses substitute, will the clones also produce more substitutes?
  13. Mai

    ASB Rules

    Mmm, thanks!
  14. Mai

    ASB Rules

    What is the basis for the rarities? Catch rate, right? And also, if it is, what are the ranges for them? I'm sorry if it's obvious, but I'm trying to figure out whether it would be cheaper to buy a voucher or just get it when it comes out in the PRO for some generation five 'mons.
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