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Search results

  1. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Which makes sense, because, you know, they're the furthest from the league. ... And I fail to see how that would constitute proof even if that were not true.
  2. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    That's been said, like, three times already.
  3. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Can you please stop using BP as an abbreviation for two separate things? It's confusing. Anyways, I can see Ghetsis getting one and N getting the other. And you getting kyurem.
  4. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Okay. Let's look at the chance of there not being move tutors and a Battle Frontier. I'm willing to bet that when the developers start work on grey, the first thing they do will be say "Okay, we're going to put the move tutors here and the battle frontier here." Before they decide what else to add.
  5. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    I want the contests back as well. Those were some of my favorite parts. They should add better rewards, though. I personally think that they should have some new TMs that have unique moves that you can only get through contests. That's never going to happen, but it would be cool.
  6. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Many. You mean many aspects.
  7. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    They could add non-unovan pokemon to the pre-postgame and make part of the plotline traveling to lacunosa town. I agree with the idea of the transformation. Maybe transforming from a "Lack of both" to a "Presence of both"? I wonder how it would transform, though. And what it would be like when...
  8. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    I disagree with the spelling two, and I live in the united states. But it doesn't matter. Now let's stick to discussion of the game itself. I still want a triple battle with the shadow triad, myself.
  9. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Don't insult other people's words. I think both of them are ugly and they should name it pokemon sussurus version. But that's not going to happen, and in the end, does it matter what it's named?
  10. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    oO. GYM LEADER DOUBLE BATTLE! That would be awesome. And maybe a triple or rotation battle with the trio badge gym leaders? Maybe you would get to choose between. Hmm.
  11. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Now THAT would be fun.
  12. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Cool. Maybe Opelucid city will be a void? Maybe Gray... Place... Will be a void you can plant stuff in. Or build stuff on.
  13. Mendatt

    Grey/Gray discussion

    What do you think is going to come with gray? If black and white were based on technology and nature, what is black going to be? Magic? The main pokemon? Kyurem is an obvious choice, but beyond that? What's the eighth gym leader going to be? Version exclusives? Storyline? Will N catch reshiram...
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