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Search results

  1. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((Same.)) Lucky had already turned around, but se sensed the aura of a crawdaunt. He suddenly turned around and fired an Aura Sphere as big as the one he had made earlier. I knew it would come in handy... he thought to himself.
  2. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((Whaaaatever. I have me a bowl of pudding right now, so I don't care. *scarfs pudding*)) Lucky kept running until he saw a Houndoom that he recongnized the aura as Ace. Ace, are you allright? I am hiding in the bush behind you, for a surprise attack.
  3. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((Yes, but he is a Houndoom, right? Only Lucarios can aura talk to anybody; everyone else is limited to aura talking with Lucarios.))
  4. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons ((You can only talk to me through aura. I be the only one who can understand - for that matter, see - it.))
  5. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Lucky closed his eyes as he heard a cry for help through aura. It stopped short. His eyes snapped open. He mumbled a "Hmmm..." before speaking. "Ace is in trouble. He sent a distress call through his aura. Follow me. I will try and sense his aura. it is weak...
  6. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Lucky made a small Aura Sphere and began tossing it up and down. He then swiftly batted it away with his paw. "Ready to go whenever you are." Lucky said.
  7. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Lucky headed out the door. "So, when we leaving? I'm ready for a good fight." Lucky made a big Aura Shpere and then let it die down.((In SSBB when you do that, it stores the Aura Sphere to fire it when you press the button to charge it. And can I add another...
  8. Mewtwo

    Open Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons

    Re: Pokémon-Escape from the dungeons Name- Lucky Age- 11 Gender- Male Pokémon- Albino Lucario with orange eyes ^.^ Attacks- Aura Sphere, Bone Rush, Detect, Shadow Claw(a TM move...) Nature- Adamant
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