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  1. Michi

    Odd Truths Thread

    O_O They were unrelated... unless it's subconscious or something. BUT I STILL WANT TO BE SHIPPED WITH SOMEONE. Ohh yea, and on topic: Ever since a friend tackled me by accident, I can pop my ankle just by moving it the right way.
  2. Michi

    Odd Truths Thread

    I want to be shipped with someone. :P New odd thingy~ I have discovered I am extremely ignorant. :P For example, I didn't even know the artist of four of my favorite songs for years. ...It's Fall Out Boy, btw. xP AND RYUBANE IS OFFICIALLY TOTALLY AWESOME. Just in case none of you noticed.
  3. Michi

    Odd Truths Thread

    You're now my favorite person on this entire forum. As for my odd truths: ~I hate manmade light, and I love the outdoors. Especially during fall. ~I have an alleged IQ of 180 but I am far too lazy to get great grades. :P ~I obsess over one single thing in my life exclusively for about two...
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