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Search results

  1. Minish


    Don't post very unpopular opinions here if you aren't willing to explain and back them up, then. The only reason people have taken what might seem like OTT offence is because it's an important issue close to many forum members' hearts (and also because your opinion is outdated and doesn't make...
  2. Minish


    say WHAT now What do you mean, appreciate? Nobody cares whether you meant to offend anybody, or that ~everyone is entitled to their own opinion~ because our opinions... aren't really all that oppressive to other people. You don't oppose transgender people, but you reckon they should stick with...
  3. Minish


    Multiple orgasms are ridiculously overrated. Most of us stop giving a shit after the first one. :P I'm XX, identify as female, etc. I feel very lucky to be satisfied with my sex and gender roughly aligning, as I can imagine (though obviously not all that clearly) how confusing and frustrating...
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