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Search results

  1. Minish

    University Applications

    A* - Communication & Culture B - Sociology B - English Language This means I got into Aberdeen!! :D I had set up everything for being in clearing five hours too, not necessary now!! Ahhh I'm so happy, pretty much everyone I know got into where they wanted which is just wonderful when we all...
  2. Minish

    University Applications

    HAHAHAHAHA I'm so terrified it's not even funny. My first and only choice is Aberdeen because my firm fucked up everything ever, buuut I am basically getting prepared to whoosh straight into clearing.
  3. Minish

    University Applications

    As of today, I am completely sorted with UCAS! I have Aberdeen ABB for my firm, and City London BBB for my insurance. Was a bit disappointing getting soundly rejected by my other three choices, but oh well~ This means I get to spend time focusing on scholarships and bursaries and whatever for...
  4. Minish

    University Applications

    Well, the closest place I'm applying to is in London - I want independence too. But Aberdeen is so far away that it's going to be very difficult getting any help whatsoever from anyone if I suddenly need it, not to mention lugging all my belongings up there. :(
  5. Minish

    University Applications

    ABB offer from Aberdeen. :D Which is extremely encouraging because I would quite like to go there. If I actually get these grades, I will be so happy! The only bad thing about it is that it might be a bit too far away. :( But still.
  6. Minish

    University Applications

    b-b-bump~ Rejected by Newcastle. Bit shit because it's one of the only ones I thought I had a real chance of getting into - plus, their minimum grades were BBB and I'm predicted like ABB/AAB so yeah. If I get rejected by Aberdeen soon I'll be absolutely gutted. With the way things are looking...
  7. Minish

    University Applications

    I've applied to Edinburgh and St Andrews to do social anthropology, Newcastle to do sociology and anthropology, Aberdeen and City London to do sociology. Yeah, don't ask. So far only got an offer from City London, BBB. ): Others are taking their time. I want offers now, damnit!
  8. Minish

    University Applications

    Ah, I know. <3 Hmm, I'll have to check out LSE, I don't know much about it. I had no idea it was so good with social sciences! I was actually thinking of looking more at University College London, although I feel terrified of going to uni in London. It'll be confusing enough to go live in a new...
  9. Minish

    University Applications

    XD I'll definitely be studying Social Sciences as they call them in some way, but just the plain "Sociology" course might be the best for me, I think. Yay Sociology students! <3 Yeah... I guess it'll be harder to get into a Scottish one. :/ I just really like the sound of Edinburgh in...
  10. Minish

    University Applications

    *b-b-b-bump* I need to start applying to universities at the end of this year... and I need to go to open days this summer. Except my mum's being an arse and says she won't take me, so... I have no idea how I'm going to do that. I'd really like to go to one in Scotland (I'm half-Scottish, used...
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