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Search results

  1. Munchkin

    Odd Truths Thread

    MAPLESTORY <33333 :DD -I've been somewhat of a Maple addict since I joined on 7/10/10. Yes, I even remember the date...my boyfriend is often annoyed with how much I think of/talk about/play Maple, even though he's the one that made me sign up for it xDD -I'm often asked to pee in bottles for...
  2. Munchkin

    Odd Truths Thread

    Me? Why, I wonder? xP And reading over Amfibbian's post, I have a couple more things to say so i won't be completely off-topic =x -I never broke a bone or got stitches~ -I've only ever been to a hospital once (obviously not including birth), and i wasn't even sick or anything. I just...got in...
  3. Munchkin

    Odd Truths Thread

    I just remembered something else when I was in the middle of a conversation with a friend here =x -I feel like I must have been some wild animal in a past life. I occasionally walk on all fours at home, especially when I'm going up or down stairs. I pounce onto my bed whenever I...need to get...
  4. Munchkin

    Odd Truths Thread

    Me too <3 -I'm afraid of fire. I have no idea why, because I've never even experienced a bad one, but I do. Even lighting a match or lighter next to me will cause me to scream, run, hide, then cry =[ -I hate raisins. I once ate a cookie thinking it was chocolate chip and when I bit into raisin...
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