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Search results

  1. Munchkin

    Black & White

    I kind of like Wooguru, but not too crazy about it like everyone else. I think it reminds me too much of Aquilamon from Digimon Adventure 02. =O Minezumi looks like a pissed-off Bidoof. Koromori creeps me out ;~;
  2. Munchkin

    Black & White

    It looks like a Plusle/Buneary cross in that picture =x
  3. Munchkin

    Black & White

    I am IN LOVE with Xikaze's designs. Also with Meguroko, Mamepato, and to some extent, Shimama. Hihidaruma looks like a lame chunky Chimchar clone to me. Gear has Plus and Minus as abilities? Well, smoething to go with Plusle and Minun <3 Also, I doubt if anyone ever noticed, but my really old...
  4. Munchkin

    Black & White

    Yeah, I completely forgot about Zorua for the moment. OTL The battle screen, though, discourages me, because it looks like the type of thing that would be DSi-exclusive. Using the camera to detect how you tilt the system, looking like the game's world is actually inside the DSi. You know, like...
  5. Munchkin

    Black & White

    Sorry if I've missed something, but has Zoroark ever even been confirmed as a legendary? What if it's this generation's Lucario? I mean, yeah, it impersonates three legendaries, but still...out of pure memory, I don't remember a legendary ever being revealed first. But then again, the only...
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