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Search results

  1. Murkrow

    Do you have any fears or phobias?

    I get this too, but what makes it worse is the thing that makes you itch when you think about itching. Whenever I think something is wrong with me, that part of me hurts, making me think even more that something's wrong with me.
  2. Murkrow

    Do you have any fears or phobias?

    This for me too. The ringing scares me more. The fact that it could be anyone for any reason terrifies me. Every single time the phone rings and I have to answer I get paranoid that it's "Your X has died". Also since I generally have no idea what to say when talking to people, that makes it much...
  3. Murkrow

    Do you have any fears or phobias?

    Heights - so bad that sometimes I get scared when I'm a metre off of the ground with very little to support me. Tall buildings - It's because if the clouds above it are moving it looks like it's going to fall on you. Spiders! - and other creepy crawlies And I'm also extremely paranoid in...
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