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Search results

  1. Murkrow

    University Applications

    I got A* in maths, and A in everything else. As in further maths and computing is a nice surprise but I'm more surprised about not getting an A* in physics.
  2. Murkrow

    University Applications

    Bath's my first choice. I think a few universities ask for A*s, but it depends on the subject I guess, especially medicine.
  3. Murkrow

    University Applications

    I'm confident ish. I need A*AA to get into my first choice. A* in maths, A in further maths, and an A in something else. While I'm pretty sure I have an A* is both maths and physics, I'm not all that confident about getting an A in further maths. Hopefully if I get A*A*B I'll be okay. As for...
  4. Murkrow

    University Applications

    Finally heard from Bath. A* in Maths, A in Further Maths and A in anything else. Since I'm practically guaranteed an A* in Maths I'd think I'd put this as my backup over Exeter, but since one of the As is specifically Further Maths, I'm not too sure since getting an A in that is haaaard.
  5. Murkrow

    University Applications

    Bump because meh I've applied to Aberystwyth, Bath, Cambridge, Exeter and Warwick to do maths. So far got offers from Aberystwyth, Exeter and Warwick and was unsuccessful with Cambridge. Bath is taking its time :( Aberystwyth - 340 UCAS points with an A in maths Exeter - AAA with an A in...
  6. Murkrow

    University Applications

    But Welsh universities suck D:
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