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  1. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina stared blankly at Anseyu, attempting to look away from the rest of the Pokemon. Sidling over, she muttered, "I know. It sickens me to see them so repulsed as well." She quickly dashed around a corridor, nearly missing a passing guard. "Uh, guys? We've got trouble headed this way in...
  2. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina was tempted to give the little brat a Poison Jab to the face, but held herself in check for the purposes of escape. "You have a lot to learn in life, my friend," she commented, charging up energy in her fist as she sprinted down the corridor. OK, so maybe she didn't hold herself in check.
  3. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina watched the others dash across the tiles, carcasses of security cameras dropping left and right, until she felt her head stop spinning. Two security cameras were left spinning pathetically. In the aftereffects of the headache, she sprinted forward, but tripped. As the security cameras...
  4. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina, pacing carefully behind the group, fell to her knees as visions flashed into her head. Screaming in pain, she saw a quick glimpse of an image: Cameras swivel, silhouettes dash through... After coming back to her senses a little, she realized, oh God, it's the way through, and quickly...
  5. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina shrugged. She raised two fingers and brought them down in a slashing motion (as was custom in her colony) and said, "My name is Nallina. I don't actually live very far from Snowpoint. I don't think we have a chance of making it, but I'm willing to try. Anything is better than being...
  6. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Persisting on the door, Nallina was exasperated. Her attention was diverted when a computer exploded. That sort of thing tends to attract attention. After some muttered conversation between the group (and an ugly vomiting spectacle), Nallina grudgingly walked back. It seems those were her ticket...
  7. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    (NOW I screw that up. Eh, better now than at some crucial juncture 600 posts from now.) Nallina almost brought her hands together. Almost. Then she lowered her gazed, turned around, and walked slowly away. Hopefully she'd be able to get far enough away from the freak gathering before anyone...
  8. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina heard what the Lucario said, and lowered her fist. Anseyu was merely trying to force the group under her ontrol. "And say I don't want to change? Say I am...content?" she asked, as much actually believing what she said as trying to make Anseyu uncomfortable.
  9. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    The worst that could be said for Nallina was that she tripped and was bashed internally when a bullet scraped her skin. Nonetheless, she advanced towards Anseyu, momentarily distracted from her mockery of Squish and barely even hearing the outburst. In a nightmarish state, she raised her fist...
  10. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina tried to make her voice high and squirmy, all the better to taunt that insolent little puffball with. "Why are you commenting on anything that moves around you?" She got into a more defensive stance, making protecting herself an A-priority as notes punded her skull, singing a melody just...
  11. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina threw herself out, yelping as glass cut her shoulder. She dripped blood, walking over to the group. "Hello, there. How goes the people of pain?" she asked, the tiniest flicker of a smirk crossing her face as she gently massaged her aching temples.
  12. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Nallina shuddered, gasped, and woke up. She glanced around at the other Pokemon, taking note of their obscene features. Then, immediately feeling self-conscious, she glanced down at herself. "No...!" she cried, pinching her black skin. Further conscious thought was denied to her, as in the...
  13. MurrMurr

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Name: Nallina Gender: Female Species: Toxicroak Appearance: Nallina's skin is black, and her head has red markings on it. Her hands and feet are caked in mud. Nallina prefers to crouch and run, never lingering in one spot for too long. Personality: Cool and distant, considers herself a weakness...
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