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Search results

  1. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Got a new haircut. I think it looks pretty good!
  2. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Here is a picture of me and ultraviolet. But mostly me.
  3. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Why hello there madame! I must say your hair looks gorgeous, as do your pretty eyes! Would you like to have dinner together at the Golden Spittle!
  4. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Oh, cool! You replaced one of your fingers with a USB stick! I've thought about doing that for a while, actually. Seems like it would be a practical way to carry important documents with you and stuff. You just finger the nearest computer and voilà, a PDF of your haiku collection. It's mostly...
  5. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Don't let this photo ruin my credibility as a poet. Here's me probably doing some crappy video game music covers. Here's me probably doing some crappy v - wait a minute...
  6. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I'm full of surprises.
  7. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Don't let that fool you. I really am awesome.
  8. Music Dragon

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    a face EDIT: fixed.
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