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Search results

  1. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    Voyne staggered backwards as Xyvine came towards him, slashing away with his leaf blades; the Cacturne fell backwards in a strange sort of evasive manoeuvre, but couldn't avoid being cut in a few places. Voyne dropped to the ground, but quickly got to his feet. As soon as he was up, he felt a...
  2. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    ((OOC: That is NOT okay! Espeon is not worthy! He can't even pass the Former Moderator Shifu's Modship Test for God's sake!))
  3. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    "Glion?" Voyne raised a thorny eyebrow and looked back. "He's... somewhere, I don't know... Well, who needs him, anyway? I'm not afraid of your psychic mind games, and let's face it, you haven't got much else to throw at me, have you?" He gestured vaguely towards Xyvine. "And as for that guy -...
  4. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    "Oh, there you are!" Voyne exclaimed as he came lumbering across the grass in that typical rag-tag fashion of his, headed up the hill towards the Espeon and Grovyle couple. "I was looking for you two." He straggled towards his intended victims, excitedly slamming his spiked fists into each...
  5. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    (OOC: Sorry, Espeon! I'm in Paris... *insert sad smilie here*)
  6. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    Was Glion following him? Voyne looked back; no sight of the little creature. He had left him behind, it seemed. Maybe he would catch up. He could fly and all... Suddenly, as Voyne wandered among the bushes and the trees, he caught sight of something - a bonfire? Whatever it was, it was fire of...
  7. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    ((OOC: You're certainly not godmoding, not at all.)) Voyne watched the two Pokémon, slightly confused, as they started to fight each other. He had no idea what was going on, but - well, he didn't mind! Just so long as he could move in for the kill sooner or later... He watched them, his...
  8. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    "Now, Glion..." Voyne began. "I happen to be a Cacturne, and as such, I like to wait for a very long time before I strike. And not to mention that I've just Ingrained myself here; I won't be going anywhere for some time." He raised an eyebrow in a way that suggested that he was just about to...
  9. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    Voyne turned to face the Gliscor who had just landed next to him. He came as quite a surprise; Voyne had just began to doze off when Glion arrived. Being a cactus Pokémon, he was perfectly capable of sleeping while standing upright. "Oh, it's you," Voyne said. "Well, good to see you. You'll...
  10. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    ((OOC: Oh yes. So many bios... Hard to keep track. This is a big RP, you know. I just assumed... Well. Sorry.))
  11. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    Voyne watched from a distance as his two targets slept in a tree. They weren't exactly difficult to spot - he had no idea why they had chosen to sleep in a tree, anyway. He felt like walking over there, grabbing the trunk and just shaking it until they both fell down and broke their necks...
  12. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    "Weeell. I'm just going to do what a Cacturne does best," Voyne mused. Taking a short moment to consider, he came to the conclusion that the Grovyle and Espeon couple were the weakest nearby, at least mentally. As Voyne watched them disappear into the forest, he peeked into the bag he had been...
  13. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    ((OOC: How are you attacking? It's hard to respond when we don't know more than that you've "launched yourself".)) Voyne gulped and tugged at the collar around his neck. "Well," he said, "that's not very pleasant." He looked around. All these people - he was going to have to kill them, wasn't...
  14. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    ((OOC: Gardevoir, are your characters really juvenile delinquents? I have difficulty picturing them as such...))
  15. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    ((OOC: Be wary of godmoding, Blaziking...))
  16. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    Voyne was seemingly unfazed by the wall of noise he now found himself running straight into. Truth to be told, it caused him a lot of pain, but pain was something he could deal with - and, Bug Buzz or not, that Yanmega was going to get it now. Roaring with battle fury, the Cacturne continued...
  17. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    "Sleep Powder?" Voyne frowned. "As if we haven't slept enough already!" He quickly made sure to step away from the spores, waving his arms lamely in some kind of attempt to fan them away. Fortunately the spores didn't seem to affect anyone else in the room, either - although that was hard to...
  18. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    "Oh, a fellow desert dweller!" Voyne exclaimed with delight as he was greeted by Glion. "My name is Voyne, and I - " He winced, staggered backwards; he had just been hit from behind by an Air Slash. He craned his head and looked at his back. There was a gash in his side, not very deep but...
  19. Music Dragon

    Closed Battle Royale

    Name: Voyne Species: Cacturne Profile: Voyne is in pristine condition; he is a beautiful, healthy green colour. Otherwise he is not atypical for his species. Bio: Voyne is a petty criminal. Still, given the chance, he would gladly devote himself to more serious kinds of evil; he seems to enjoy...
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