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Search results

  1. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Now that we have a new approval system to try out, time to move on to the next thing. Being a referee requires that you do essentially two things: determine what happens in a round and translate that into changes in health and energy scores, and then write about it. Some people find one or the...
  2. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Yeah, I'll get stuff together fairly soon.
  3. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Yeah, there are way too many possibilities in a single round for someone to reasonably go through and enumerate them all.
  4. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    To an extent, but I don't think it would have to be all that thorough.
  5. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    You mean make up an arena and sets of commands yourself? That's how Serebii does it. The only issue I have would be that it would be pretty easy for people to come up with a command string that would be easy to ref rather than one that would give a real indication of the limits of their...
  6. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Sorry, I formatted that poorly--I meant the item would be an extra prize to the newbie if they won. For consolation prize, yeah, I'd probably just increase money to $5/pokémon or something. Not a huge change, but enough to make a difference. Like Skylark says, I was just intending for the...
  7. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    The way I had envisioned it, these battles would not count towards the battle cap, but would still give normal EXP/monetary rewards This was actually what I was thinking... allow the newbie to use any (nonlegendary) pokémon they pleased rather than their usual team for this battle, and then, to...
  8. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    So this got kind of pushed aside for a bit due to preparations for the Battle for Asber, but it's very important, so I'd like to get back into it. One thing and another, I think that I'm leaning most towards having referees participate in training battles; it seems like the best way to ensure...
  9. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Promotion will be based on evaluating recent reffings.
  10. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Right, so, looking this over, most people seem to prefer option number two. It's also encouraging that some people would also be willing to volunteer to actually be one of the mentor-types. I agree with Kusari that we would probably want advanced/elite referees to do the mentoring. In addition...
  11. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    Can be done, sure.
  12. Negrek

    Reffing Discussion

    So, reffing is one of the most important activities that goes on in the league, and despite all the changes the league has gone through in the past six years, it's stayed more or less the same, except for how people get paid for doing it. There are some consistent problems with reffing, too...
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