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Search results

  1. Negrek

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    It does, yeah. You can play multi-battles in the Battle Frontier over wi-fi in Platinum, whereas you could only do it over local wireless in D/P. I'll bet there's a programmer out there who could tell you a funny story about that. Oh, right; forgot about that one.
  2. Negrek

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    Guys, they banned tyranitar because it evolves over level 50. You cannot use pokémon over level fifty at all in this tournament (there is no de-leveling option because battles are conducted over a local connection). Dragonite, on the other hand, evolves at lv. 50, so it's fine. It has nothing to...
  3. Negrek

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    That would be awesome. I can see why they don't do that, though. Without some way to have the tournament organizers monitor battles, people could get up to all kinds of shenanigans. The perpetually shaky NWFC would also make it a real drag, what with people not being able to connect/getting...
  4. Negrek

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    Not going myself because none of the locations are near me, and random selection means that even if I manage to get to one of them, I could easily be denied the chance to play anyway. However, to address some of the questions you asked: At the moment, the primary teams to beat are trick room...
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