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Search results

  1. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    "There have always been prophets." And away we go~ :D Well okay, away we go later today because I'm just killing time until my friend gets back and we watch our Halloween movie and eat candy but I got the first section done so I'm entitled to slacking. >:(
  2. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    The bar worked just fine when I initially posted the code a couple of weeks ago, so unless the site's made changes to their API quite recently or Hexxeh axed support within that time period, they should start working again whenever the official ones do.
  3. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Found my winner button setting. Yaaay. And sure, I'll get in on the war. Sort me wherever, I suppose.
  4. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Buhhhh. I shall search! Also, do we say what team we're joining, or just sign up? (Are there only two teams?)
  5. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Unless you're talking about some other widget than the wordcount-bar used last year, it already is set up. (If you don't see the bar, it's just because the NaNo servers are swamped around this time and the script might not have been able to grab data to generate the image. The code is just fine.)
  6. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    With the expanded descriptions given, I think I prefer the ToS one (number two) over the card-game one (whichever one of those that is, if any of them).
  7. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    The NaNobars still work: 403830 The code's nano user id I'm always down for a word war, although my erratic internet access over the course of November will probably make it look like I'm falling behind for a few days with periodic huge bursts of writing when I'm able to get online and...
  8. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Eh? Even if you're not able to download something like OpenOffice, there are online utilities like Google Docs that are nearly as fully-featured as the full download packages--more than sufficient for NaNo IMO.
  9. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Why not just write as many of the smaller stories as is necessary to reach 50,000 words?
  10. Negrek

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Oh, I'm definitely in. I settled on what I'll be writing over the summer--or at least I thought I'd settled on one, up until three hours ago when a big idea smacked me in the face and demanded to be written. I'll certainly have *something* to write, though. If I go with my normal idea, I might...
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