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Search results

  1. Negrek

    [09] Kindling Queen vs Animorph

    Well, it's really too bad, but if you've got real life stuff to deal with, that's obviously more important. Kindling Queen wins by default, gets $15 and a rare candy, and advances to the next round; Animorph gets nothing. Jim and Fafneer get one EXP each, and I get $12.
  2. Negrek

    [09] Kindling Queen vs Animorph

    DQ warning for Animorph.
  3. Negrek

    [09] Kindling Queen vs Animorph

    Jim is distracted from his gloating by a loud plop coming from somewhere out in the brackish water that makes up most of the Pike's battlefield. Though the sandshrew sees no sign of what might have made the sound, the normally still water is troubled by ripples, and only seconds later another...
  4. Negrek

    [09] Kindling Queen vs Animorph

    By the time the third match of the league championship's third round rolls around, the crowd of people packed into the Battle Pike's bleachers has changed a bit. Some onlookers have drifted away to lunch, while others, a bit later to rise, have taken their place. The results of the previous...
  5. Negrek

    [09] Kindling Queen vs Animorph

    1. Kindling Queen sends out 2. Animorph sends out and attacks 3. Kindling Queen attacks
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