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Search results

  1. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    yays another rebeller fight the man, fight the POWER!! Hoo-rah
  2. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    I don't think you will have to change too much! hope you get accepted and get on the rp. Also check out my pokemon rp Pokemon-return of shadows(and if you like RE then I created rp for that also)
  3. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Well if Legos edits it so they are on rebel side can they join then, I want more allies.
  4. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    I have a grand finale for my character oh and btw he is darker skinned so you know. I'll pm you Sweet Silver when you say we are getting near the end(about to kill/capture or what ever to the head honcho)
  5. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    The only thing that would be better is if we all lived near by, pokemon party
  6. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Hehe man this place is awesome, I'm glad I found this place, it fills that connection I don't have with my friends.
  7. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Yays for edumacation!
  8. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    I didn't even notice that good eyes!
  9. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    :grin:Haha the trio is in another RP together that one of us started.
  10. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Re: Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (5 spots) It is like a double barrel with an extra barrel attached and I would only carry it and use it for the finishing blow(look up resident evil 5 hydra to see it)
  11. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Re: Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (5 spots) So would a hydra(triple barrel shotgun) be accepted or do I go the extra mile with my blades? Srry I just keep posting. I digress I have updated the rp thread(mine) I just hope sweetie belle get online soon.
  12. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Re: Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (5 spots) You never answered the question per say in my profile, can garados be shiny? Oh and will we fight like hand-to-hand, using pokemon, and/or with guns?
  13. NightGhost

    Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

    Re: Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (5 spots) Name: blade Age: 22 Gender:male Pokemon fused with: Gallade Pokemon team: Jolteon: [Lightning](male) his umbreon the most loyal of all pokemon he would die for blade if needed Mightyena: [Byte](male) the smartest of the team, he thinks all moves...
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