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Search results

  1. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    New city: Krazo Spirit city: located at the junction of the Zion river, the Blackwell river, and the Paini river. It was a very religious city and believed in athletic perfection. They held vigorous olympics to find the 'perfect' humans. But the entire city was killed in the genocide. Now the...
  2. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    The mountain peninsula to the west of where we start: Zion- A mountainous region with a riggid terrain. Not many people can brave the cold and harsh weather but it may be well worth it. Legend says that within the center mountain is a city. A city far more advanced then our civilizations now...
  3. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    Ok I have to ask: can we give every gaurdian the ability to transparticulate. In other words, like in the matrix, we use a landline to break down our molecules allowing is to 'transport' or 'teleport' from location using a phone. The only restrictions would be that someone needs to be on the...
  4. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    I apologize for three things: 1) grammar- reason: iPod touch is my device right now. 2) yes- the actual guardian will make very little show, unless he goes into a passive state(think gaara of the desert kind of thing) 3)yes only he makes no noise, also he would not be able to do both at the...
  5. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    Completed my form, first page, 13th post down.
  6. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    Name: Agent Smith Gender: male Age: 21 Appearance: About 5' 6" and built. He had slicked back black hair and no facial hair. He has light blue eyes but wears sunglasses all the time. He wears a buisness suit that is black with a white long sleeve under it. He also has a black tie and black...
  7. NightGhost

    [Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

    Yes reserve, later I shall fill this out.
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