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  1. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled and kept going
  2. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    "ok" jolt said and headed off, flame and Melony were already in town.
  3. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt slowly picked her up, "good?"
  4. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled, "um ok," he was slightly blushing
  5. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Melody shrugged, "I saw beds at the pokecenter, but just a handful," Jolt looked at her, "well you can be sure to have a bed, I'm fine with the floor,"
  6. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt looks back, "an abandoned town, to make it ours." Melody smiled, "I found it and it's so isolated we should be safe
  7. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Melody put her hand on his shoulder, "I believe we all think the same as you, but not brave enough to say it."
  8. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Melony looked back and smiled at him, "yeah same here, ugh I hated those cages, but hated fighting more,"
  9. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    (It's ok, sorry for long reply wait time) Jolt smiled, at least she is comfortable with me for now he tought, "So does anyone remember what happened before they were turned into these creatures?"
  10. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled and looked forward again thinking wonder what it will take for her to see me?
  11. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled at her and looked up as well
  12. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled at her and him and looked ahead, Flame had run off leaving Melony to walk alone.
  13. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt stood a bit behind Midnight in case she would need help, but still felt like the odd man out.
  14. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled and Flame and Melony lead the group down toward the town
  15. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt smiled, "Well your all welcome to come along, we have found a perfect place," Jolt smiled and pointed behind the group, "that old abandoned town!"
  16. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt spotted 2 of the three electric types and waved, "Hey over here!"
  17. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt slowly put her down and looked around, "Must be the electric types, they must be fighting, whatta we do?" Flame looked over, "I don't think it's wise to go." Melony and Ace nodded, but Jolt wasn't sure
  18. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Flame and Melony stopped on the hilltop, as did Jolt and he looked back, "I dunno, I hope they do join us, the more the better,"
  19. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt made sure to duck so she didn't get hit by a stray branch, "Ok back there?"
  20. NightGhost

    Gijinka-a new begining

    Jolt nodded as he caught up with Flame, Melony, and Ace, "Ok, let's go!" they said as they exited into the Wilderness beyond. (OK GTG, please only post if you need to catch the others up, bye and thanks)
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