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  1. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I love purple too. 8D That sounds so cool. I just wish I had a video game card now so I could go get it or somethin. DX
  2. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I only get wiped out on civ stage if I am military. Everyone starts picking on me then.
  3. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Hah, I only have two. One on my home planet, another on the zoo planet that I have.
  4. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I tried the T-scoring against the Grox when I played as the Frip...then I got borred and started making zoo planets.
  5. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I think you can buy it after getting the highest diplomat badge thing. I haven't played in a while so I am not sure...
  6. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Cute, but deadly. XD I love them even though the aipom race turned against me cuz of me allying them.
  7. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Same. The groxies are very hard to ally, but I think one of my space creatures where able to allly them. I love it when they sing, its so cute.
  8. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    XD I like it when you are a hologram (in space age) and an epic (one you may run into) tries to eat you. Then it decides you taste horrid and throws you away.
  9. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    What is your fave stage? I can't decide between creature or space.
  10. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    You just have upload it to photobucket or something and use the [IMG] tags.
  11. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    In all honesty, I don't know. Which is quite odd since I haven't played spore in ages. =[
  12. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Alright. I'll try to remember that for when Dad gets me another video game card to play spore with. =3
  13. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Where do you find volcanos? Do you mean the spice guisers?
  14. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I've never got it...I blame my cheating ways. ;.;
  15. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I know, those vids made me want to get the game. =3
  16. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Welcome~ I always try to be economic at civ stage. Cities hate me when I'm aggressive. =[
  17. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I love monolithing my fave creatures...but if there is an aggresive empire nearby they won't last long...my aipom killed off the dunsparce empire as soon as they rose to space age. ;.;
  18. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    I wish I knew what caused the game to record. I used to accidently start recording stuff while flying around in space age.
  19. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Youtube converted me. At least, those videos of really cool looking spore creatures.
  20. Noctowl

    Spore Chat

    Thats because they aren't tribe creatures. They are wild creatures. The tribe creatures are in a place that looks like a coloured hut on the mini map.
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