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Search results

  1. Nope

    [OPEN] Legends of Nisdharil OOC

    Re: [OPEN] Nisdharil OOC Guess I'm done.
  2. Nope

    [OPEN] Legends of Nisdharil OOC

    Re: [OPEN] Nisdharil OOC Okay. After Blaziking and I join, we can start, right? Username: Bakun Character Name: Rugurn Hatar Race: Goblin Age: 663 Appearance: Rugurn basically looks like a green, ugly, old elf. His eyes are a dull grey, and some creatures would think that he is blind, and...
  3. Nope

    [OPEN] Legends of Nisdharil OOC

    Re: [OPEN] Nisdharil OOC I can join as a another Goblin, if it's okay.
  4. Nope

    [OPEN] Legends of Nisdharil OOC

    Re: [OPEN] Nisdharil OOC The damn computer crashed. Lost all the data of my new form Dx Also, new question: Will dragons have any other powers other than breather fire? Username: Bakun Character Name: Walglan Steelclaw III Race: Dragon. Age: 230 Appearance: Walglan is about 13 feet tall...
  5. Nope

    [OPEN] Legends of Nisdharil OOC

    Re: [OPEN] Nisdharil OOC Won't join as a Phoenix anyways. Question: Will there be animals? And can we join as one, or as a mutation or something? Just asking because I'm getting pretty fond of Chimeras. Yeah.
  6. Nope

    [OPEN] Legends of Nisdharil OOC

    Re: [OPEN] Nisdharil OOC Can I reserve as a Phoenix, please? Thank you :D EDIT: Username: Bakun (Actually, Bakuphoon) Character Name: Wyrda Race: Phoenix Age: Infinite Appearance: Personality: History: Did you know I was about to put my character's name into the username part xD By...
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