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  1. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    ...I would but I'm honestly not sure what's going on any more.
  2. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    Oshit I'm anti-cheating on you or something insane like that :O
  3. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    About the same.
  4. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    Good because it's the most vile thing ever conceived D:
  5. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    YES, LAUGH AT THE UTTER RIDICULOUSNESS OF SAID CONCEPT I must start making a list of people whose faces I need to break. >:c
  6. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    don't make me hurt you >:c I keep thinking of things to say in this thread but then forgetting them as soon as I stockpile enough to be worth posting. Though I do type entirely with my left index finger while keeping my right one on the Shift key at all times unless I need to press Enter or...
  7. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    Screw this TCoD shipping thing we are all going to give ourselves superhero/villain names and pick sides
  8. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    YOU STAY OUT OF THIS MALICEFACE OR I WILL FLY IN YOUR KITCHEN WINDOW TONIGHT AND MAKE A MESS OF YOUR POTS AND PANS actually the verb "to sex" actually means to determine the gender of, which can be easily accomplished by looking at the banner atop my posts so never mind
  9. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    kill them kill them dead right now D:
  10. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    True, they do have an ugly design, but this applied even in generation I + II where all balls looked the same. I also tend to hoard TMs, especially one-of-a-kind ones like those given to you by Gym Leaders, even if they're useless or I have absolutely no intention of using them.
  11. Not Meowth

    Odd Truths Thread

    - I have a number of very specific preferences when playing Pokemon games. First, unless absolutely necessary every Pokemon I catch is always male. Most of the time it's just that the first one I find that I feel like catching/have the chance to catch happens to be a male, but I feel like I have...
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